Scranton Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer

It is abhorrent to think that a man of the cloth, especially a priest trusted with counseling and providing moral guidance to troubled youth, could commit such a vile act as sexual abuse. Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Attorney Jonathan Comitz of the Comitz Law Firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of children who have been sexually abused by pastors, priests, preachers, and other members of the clergy, and will maintain your child and family’s confidentiality.
Recently, the Diocese of Scranton sought the help of its parishioners in the investigation of a priest accused of sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy on September 19.
A letter seeking help from the church community, written by Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, was read during Sunday Mass at parishes where the accused priest served. The priest has served at many Northeast PA parishes, including Bear Creek, Exeter, Hazleton, and Wilkes-Barre.
If your child was sexually violated, a lawyer can be instrumental in helping you send a message that this abuse cannot and will not be tolerated. Moreover, a lawyer can help you recover financially for your injuries. Such action can help you continue the emotional and psychological healing that you need. Additionally, a lawsuit can maintain focus on this terrible problem and hopefully prevent others from being victims of abuse as well. Attorney Jonathan Comitz of Comitz Law Firm, LLC can help individuals who have suffered from sexual abuse at the hands of a religious figure.
My Child Was A Victim of Clergy Sexual Abuse. Can I file A Sexual Abuse Lawsuit?
Comitz Law Firm will fully investigate your claim and the circumstances surrounding your abuse. As was typical in the Catholic Church sex abuse cases, high-ranking officials who had knowledge of the sexual abuse taking place did nothing about it, and created an environment that encouraged and allowed abuse to flourish. Comitz Law Firm will work with a team of investigators to closely examine who knew, or should have known, about the sexual abuse taking place, and ensure that those individuals and parties are held accountable.
If your child or young adult was a victim of sexual abuse, contact our office by calling (570) 829-1111 for a free, confidential consultation about your potential case. You may be entitled to compensation for your suffering and Attorney Comitz can help.